Tuesday, June 2, 2009



  1. These are great photos to start off your book. I like how the main object in your photo are either center, or about center in the picture and everything around it is blurry. It makes the picture pop and the color in this flower is amazing! It would be kind of cool if you did one that was kind of like 'I Am Legend'.. maybe with you in the street and there is no one else around you. That would be kind of cool.

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  3. I really like what you have done so far. My favorite picture so far is deffinately the first one of you looking out the window. I'm not sure if this picture of the flower really gives off the vibe that you are addressing in your artist statement though. Just something I thought. Can't wait to see more!

    Danielle Otos

  4. you got a great skill to shoot the picture! this is looking good and make me focus on the flower than backgroud.

  5. i do like your ability to take a good photograph. i just got confused exactly how the flower and you as a subject connect. i read your statement but maybe all you in different settings would be enough?

  6. These are really great photographs. What I find most interesting though, is when the person is the subject, even though the flower is visually appealing and you've focused it very well. :)

  7. Be careful placing the object directly in the center of the photograph. That could cause us to focus too much attention to that area and make the picture less visually appealing. Having something off center allows us to roam around the photograph. For photos without you as the main subject, it might be nice to have a small explanation of why you chose something different so we have a better understanding. I like what you are doing so far and can't wait to see the rest!

    -Sarah Whitfield

  8. It seems as if you have a good overall idea for your photos. I like the photos that you have taken so far. In your artist statement you incorporate the technique of "blur", which I feel helps the audience establish what they should be looking at within the photo.

    --Nick Miller

  9. Hey!
    I think your photos are gorgeous and I love the idea! I really look forward to seeing more of them! Have you ever thought about taking a photo of you in a crowd with everyone else blurred or moving, but you standing still and in focus? Keep up the good work!

    - Melissa :)

  10. i think that the pictures with you as the subject work a lot better for your idea. if you are going to shoot with an object as the subject, maybe get more around it to push the idea with those more.

  11. This is a great idea. I think we all feel life is a blur. I love the first photo, and I think you have given us something to ponder.


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  13. I agree, go nuts with blurring everthing else and use a strong contrast of images.

    Consider places and/or experiences that make sense with your idea--casinos, rollercoasters, merry go rounds, all disorient. It will be easier to visually achieve your idea if you are still in a very active space. You may need a hand to shoot the images. Open up the space in the photo--it is OK for you to appear small in a large landscape. Take lots of photos and try some night ones too!


  15. i think that the photos that you are physically in are the strongest. they work well conveying the emotion you seem to be going for.

  16. These are some good photos. I like your concept of the blur and your feelings toward it.
